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शनिवार, ८ ऑक्टोबर, २०२२

Noble Prize 2022 winners list

 All Nobel Prizes

Somewhere in the range of 1901 and 2021, the Nobel Prizes and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Financial Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel were granted multiple times to 975 individuals and associations. With some getting the Nobel Prize at least a couple of times, this makes a sum of 943 people and 25 associations. 

The Nobel Prize Winners 2022 List-

 The Nobel Prize in Physics (भौतिकशास्त्र) 2022

1.Alain Aspect अॅलेन

 2.John F. Clauser जॉन एफ. क्लॉजर

 3.Anton Zeilinger अँटोन झेलिंगर 

Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger "for explores different avenues regarding snared photons, laying out the infringement of Ringer disparities and spearheading quantum data science"

 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry (रसायनशास्त्र)2022-

1.Carolyn R. Bertozzi (कॅरोलिन आर. बर्टोझी)

2. Morten Meldal (मॉर्टन मेल्डल)

3. K. Barry Sharpless (के. बॅरी शार्पलेस)

Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and K. Barry Sharpless "for the improvement of snap science and bioorthogonal chemistrye"

 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (वैद्यकशास्त्र)2022- Svante Pääbo

Svante Pääbo "for his revelations concerning the genomes of terminated hominins and human development"

 The Nobel Prize in Literature(साहित्य) 2022-Annie Ernaux (अॅनी एरनॉक्स)

Annie Ernaux "for the boldness and clinical keenness with which she reveals the roots, alienation and aggregate limitations of individual memory"

The Nobel Peace Prize 2022-Brews Bialiatski (ब्रूज बिलियात्स्की)

Brews Bialiatski, Dedication, and Place for Common Freedoms. The Harmony Prize laureates address common society in their nations of origin. They have for a long time elevated the option to reprimand power and safeguard the key freedoms of residents. They have put forth an extraordinary attempt to archive atrocities, common freedom mishandles and the maltreatment of force. Together they exhibit the meaning of common society for harmony and a majority rule government.

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